NEOGEN AccuPoint Alkaline Phosphatase, dairy products (including flavoured milks and heavy creams), 100 tests

SKU: 9950
National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) approved and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed test for measuring alkaline phosphatase in dairy products, including flavoured milks and heavy creams.

U.S. regulatory level (mU/L): 350
AccuPoint detection level (mU/L): 350
Time to result: 2 minutes
Calibration: Single step


Package Dimensions

8.40 IN x 8.50 IN x 3.50 IN

Package Weight

0.40 LB

Quantity per Package

100 samplers

NEOGEN AccuPoint Advanced for Alkaline Phosphatase Brochure


NEOGEN AccuPoint Alkaline Phosphatase Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
