FAPAS Proficiency Test of Fat, Fatty Acids and Oil


Oils & Fats

The oils and fats proficiency tests comprise nutritional determination as well as quality indices determination. Some proficiency tests will require the reporting of individual fatty acids. The fatty acid profile of a test material will be generated to determine the individual fatty acids to be reported; this is not always known a long time in advance of the PT but will be specified in the instructions. There are other proficiency tests in the Programme with oils and fats as the matrix, see under the sections headed Migration – Overall & Specific, Environmental Contaminants, and Pesticide Residues-Animal Products/Fats and Oils.

How to subscribe

There have varies PT samples (matrix)  offering as below:

Fatty Acids in Vegetable Oil Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO4-OIL30
Matrix: Vegetable Oil
Analytes: saturates, mono-unsaturates & poly-unsaturates & limited fatty acid profile


Fat, Fatty Acids and Oils in Mixed Fat Spread Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO5-FAT12
Matrix: Mixed Fat Spread
Analytes: Total fat, saturates, mono-unsaturates, poly-unsaturates, total trans fatty acids, total omega-3 & total omega-6 series fatty acids, (& possibly individual omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids)


Fatty Acids in Fish Oil Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO1-OIL13
Matrix: Fish Oil
Analytes: Individual omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids (test material-dependent)


Fats in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO7-PRO2
Matrix: Biscuit (Cookie)
Analytes: total fat, saturates, mono-unsaturates & poly-unsaturates, total trans fatty acids & butyric acid


Fats in Infant Breakfast Cereals Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO9-INF6
Matrix: Infant Breakfast Cereal
Analytes: total fat, saturates, mono-unsaturates, poly-unsaturates, total trans fatty acids (& possibly individual fatty acids: linoleic acid, a-linolenic acid (ALA), ARA, DHA & EPA)


Fats in Mixed Fat Spread Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO6-FAT12
Matrix: Mixed Fat Spread
Analytes: total fat, butyric acid & cholesterol


Fatty Acids in Edible Oil Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCFO3-OIL30
Matrix: Vegetable Oil
Analytes: saturates, mono-unsaturates & poly-unsaturates

FAPAS Fat & Oil Proficiency Test Program


FAPAS Food & Beverage Chemistry Brochure


Instruction to Subscribe FAPAS Proficiency Test
