FAPAS Proficiency Test of Environmental & Water Chemistry

SKU: FP-Env-Water

Environmental & Water Chemistry

Water and Environmental chemistry proficiency testing scheme was originally dedicated to the drinking water supply industry but now incorporates related environmental testing. This includes waste water (effluent), surface water (rivers or lakes), high salinity (sea) water and soil. The water chemistry scheme covers a range of chemical determinands separated into groups according to their analytical requirements. The water chemistry samples comprise combinations of real drinking water and spiking standards in order to cover the widest possible range of determinands.

A different type of challenge proficiency test exists with the Emergency and Taste and Odour schemes. These are water chemistry proficiency tests which simulate the response to a contamination scenario. The Emergency scheme could contain any toxic chemical contamination. The Taste and Odour scheme contains chemicals which could impart a distinct taste or odour to drinking water (this is not an organoleptic exercise).

The Fapas® Water and Environmental chemistry proficiency test samples are released as regular distributions throughout the year. This maximises the economy of shipping multiple samples to laboratories and provides sufficient frequency of participation.

How to subscribe

There have varies PT samples (matrix) offering as below:

Major Inorganic Components in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWIC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Chloride, Sulphate, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Fluoride, Phosphorus (total)


Routine Components in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWRC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: pH, Turbidity, Colour (filtered), Conductivity (20°C), Nitrate, SR Phosphate, Permanganate lndex Val. (PIV oxidisability) 10 min, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Ammonium, Nitrite


Routine Metals in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWRM1-DRW1
Matrix:  Drinking Water
Analytes: Chromium, Nickel, Iron, Manganese, Aluminium, Lead, Cadmium, Copper, Zinc


Non-Routine Metals in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWNM1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water Non-Routine Metals
Analytes: Silver, Barium, Boron, Arsenic, Selenium, Antimony, Strontium, Lithium, Cobalt, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tin, Beryllium, Mercury

Inorganic Disinfection By-products In Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWID1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Bromide, Bromate, Chlorite, Chlorate


Organic Disinfection By Products Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTR1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Trihalomethanes / Chlorinated Solvents


PAHs in Drinking Water Proficiency Tests
Product Code: FWPC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons


Organophosphorus Pesticides in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWOP1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Alachlor, Azinphos-ethyl, Azinphos-methyl, Chlorfenvinphos @leap, Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, Fenitrothion, Fenthion, Malathion, Mevinphos, Parathion (ethyl), Parathion-methyl, Propetamphos


Organochlorine Pesticides in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWOC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, DDD-op, DDE-op, DDT-op, DDD-pp (TDE), DDE-pp, DDT-pp, Endosulfan I (alpha), Endosulfan II (beta), Heptachlor, Total Heptachlor Epoxide, HCB (hexachlorobenzene), HCH-A (alpha hexachlorocyclohexane), HCH-B (beta hexachlorocyclohexane), HCH-D (delta hexachlorocyclohexane), HCH-G (gamma hexachlorocyclohexane / lindane), Pendimethalin, Pentachlorobenzene, Trifluralin


Chlorine in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWCH1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Chlorine


Herbicides in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTU1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Triazines and Urea Herbicides


Total Cyanide in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Total Cyanide


Chromium in Drinking Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWHC1-DRW1
Matrix: Drinking Water
Analytes: Hexavalent Chromium


Complex Nutrients in High Salinity Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWCN1-HSW1
Matrix: High Salinity Water
Analytes: Complex Nutrients


Simple Nutrients in High Salinity Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWSN1-HSW1
Matrix: High Salinity Water
Analytes: Simple Nutrients


Minerals in High Salinity Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWMI1-HSW1
Matrix: High Salinity Water
Analytes: Minerals


Trace Metals 3 in High Salinity Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTM3-HSW1
Matrix: High Salinity Water
Analytes: Trace Metals


Heavy Metals in Soil Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTM5-SOI1
Matrix: Soil
Analytes: Trace Metals


Major Inorganic Components in Surface Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWIC1-SUW1
Matrix: Surface Water
Analytes: Major Inorganic Components


Routine Components in Surface Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWRC1-SUW1
Matrix: Surface Water
Analytes: Routine Components


Metals in Surface Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWME1-SUW1
Matrix: Surface Water
Analytes: Metals (in 0.5% Nitric Acid)


Oxygen Demand in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWDE1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), 5 day, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC)


Solids in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWRE1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Residues


Nutrients in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWNU1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Nutrients


Conductivity and pH in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWPH1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: pH & Electrical Conductivity


Trace Metals 1 in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTM1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Trace Metals


Chromium (VI) in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWHC1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Hexavalent Chromium


Minerals in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWMI1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Minerals


Anions in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWAN1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Anions


Oil and Grease in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWOG1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Oil & Grease


Total Cyanide in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTC1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Total Cyanide


Sulphide in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWTS1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Total Sulphide


Dissolved Oxygen in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWDO1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: Dissolved Oxygen


Volatile Organic Carbons in Waste Water Proficiency Test
Product Code: FWVO1-EWW1
Matrix: Waste Water
Analytes: VOC

FAPAS Water and Environmental Chemistry Proficiency Testing Program


FAPAS Water & Environmental Chemistry Brochure


Instruction to Subscribe FAPAS Proficiency Test
