FAPAS Proficiency Test of Authenticity



The meat authenticity proficiency tests are designed to test the adulteration or high level contamination of a named meat with another animal species. The materials are therefore prepared at economically advantageous (high) concentrations with participants reporting presence or absence of named species. Participants may also report any other species that they screen for.

How to subscribe

There have varies PT samples (matrix) offering as below:

Authenticity of Lamb Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAA2-MRP22
Matrix: Lamb
Analytes: one or more from: beef, chicken, goat or pork


Authenticity of Fish Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAS1-SEA11
Matrix: Fish
Analytes: identification of unknown fish (3 samples from a list)


Authenticity of Oreganum spp. Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAA1-VEG44
Matrix: Herb (Origanum spp.)
Analytes: detection of adulteration


Beef Authenticity Proficiency Test
Product Code: FCAA4-MRP2
Matrix: Beef
Analytes: one or more from: chicken, horse, lamb or pork

FAPAS Authenticity Proficiency Test Program


FAPAS Food & Beverage Chemistry Brochure


Instruction to Subscribe FAPAS Proficiency Test
